Capture maximum local metrics in Belarus using residential and mobile proxies from ProxymaData. Our plans include many ports, 99% uptime, as well as fast technical support and high-quality IP addresses in Belarus.
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The ProxymaData database in Belarus includes residential and mobile proxies. High quality ProxymaData proxies guarantee fast access to information from any websites in Belarus.

How and why are proxies in Belarus used?

Collecting stock market information Collecting stock market information
Proxy for monitoring and price analysis Proxy for monitoring and price analysis
Proxy for e-commerce Proxy for e-commerce
Proxy for Social networks Proxy for Social networks

Belarus Proxies FAQ

A Belarus proxy server is a server located in Belarus that acts as an intermediary between your device and the internet. A Belarus proxy server offers anonymity, bypasses restrictions and blocks, web content scraping, and implements content filtering policies.

Yes, it is generally legal to buy Belarus proxies. Proxies are legitimate tools used for various purposes, including improving privacy, security, and accessing geo-restricted content.

To get started with Belarus proxy IPs, users can sign up and select the appropriate plan that fits their needs. We offer various proxy solutions, including residential proxies and mobile proxies.


Download and collect data from open sources. Photos, descriptions, technical specifications, and others with no restrictions.

Track prices and build your trading strategies. Quickly manage products or service prices considering market conditions and latest trends.

Access data even if it's not available from your geolocation. Get up-to-date data from open web resources.


Collect data from different social networks. Explore interests, activity, and latest trends of the audience.

Monitor user activity and their preference changes in real-time. Explore the statistics of posts and user activity in social networks.


Detailed analysis of real estate market will forecast price changes and key trends.

Instant analysis and comparison of real estate prices based on the data from various platforms and services.

Yes, you can buy a Belarus residential proxy. Learn more about ProxymaData proxy pricing.